June is National Men’s Health Month!

June is National Men’s Health Month, a time to remind men of the health issues they face and what they can do to take charge of their health.

Men are significantly less likely than women to see a doctor or report symptoms to a health care provider. 

Men’s health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, as experienced by men, and not merely the absence of disease. 


Did you know that according to the CDC – national center for health statistics, men’s health data in the U.S. is the following:

Random facts about men’s health:

  • The average lifespan for men was 76.1 in 2017, which is 4 months LESS than it was in 2014.
  • Men are over 5 times more likely to lose their hearing
  • Prostate cancer in the second leading cause of death in men
  • Only 3 out of 5 men get annual physicals
  • After a surveying 500 men ages 18-70, more than half of them said their health wasn’t something they talk about.
  • Mental health is still a stigma among men, 1 in 10 men experience some form of depression or axiety but LESS than half seek treatment.


Let’s support Men’s Health by wearing Blue on June 20th during our Employee Appreciation Lunch. 

Let’s show our male employees that we care and want them to be healthy!

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