
The Masonic Homes is proud to partner with the following businesses and charities in support of our local California communities. To learn about upcoming events, which are often held in conjunction with our community partners, please visit our calendar.

Children’s Advocacy Center

This nonprofit organization provides supportive services for children who are the victims of sexual abuse, or who have witnessed acts of violence, as well as providing services to people of any age with developmental disabilities.

Dig Deep Farms

This community supported agriculture program created by the Alameda County Deputy Sheriffs’ Activities League helps prevent violence and crime by creating living-wage jobs, increasing community access to healthy food, and revitalizing area neighborhoods

Institute for Joint Restoration and Research at Washington Hospital

Established in June 2012, the Institute serves as a center of excellence with the goal of advancing the field of knee and hip joint replacement through research, education, and clinical outcome improvements.

LIFE ElderCare

Serving Fremont, Newark, and Union City, this community organization provides life-saving outreach, meals, and fall prevention programming for seniors in need.

New Haven Schools Foundation

This nonprofit foundation is dedicated to supporting schools in the New Haven Unified School District by partnering with parents, teachers, district employees, and members of the New Haven community to raise money for scholarships, classroom grants, and co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Niles Rotary Club of Fremont

This local nonprofit organization seeks to help members build meaningful friendships and improve themselves while serving the local community and the world at large, affecting real change with real people interactions.

Ralph and Mary Ruggieri Senior Center

Located in Union City, the Ruggieri Senior Center provides a variety of events, services, and classes for community residents. Offerings include insurance, health, safety, and transportation resources; social events and group outings; exercise, craft, and language classes; craft fairs; and more.

Union City Chamber of Commerce

This private, voluntary, nonprofit organization of business and professional people is dedicated to improving the economic environment of the Union City community and fostering the development of business growth and prosperity.

University of Southern California School of Social Work

Through value-driven, scholarly, and creative social work education, research, and professional leadership, this leading social work program works to improve the well-being of vulnerable individuals and communities, advance social and economic justice, and eradicate pressing societal problems in complex and culturally diverse urban environments throughout Southern California, the nation, and the world.

Washington Hospital Healthcare Foundation

This nonprofit corporation serves as a guardian of gifts and bequests to the Washington Hospital Healthcare System, and helps enhance the health care system by increasing public awareness and through financial support.