Home > Volunteer at the Homes
Volunteer With Us
Volunteers are an important part of our senior communities in Union City and Covina, contributing to the vibrancy, activities, and sense of community on each campus. We have many schools, youth organizations, community groups, and individuals who volunteer on our campuses each day.
If you’re interested in volunteering, we offer a variety of volunteer opportunies that can be tailored your interests, talents, and availability. Volunteer activities include:
- Visiting with and reading to residents
- Providing assistance at campus activities
- Accompanying residents and staff members on group outings
- Providing clerical support
- Pet therapy
We’re always in need of new volunteers on both the Union City and Covina campuses. If you’d like to volunteer, please complete the online volunteer application and read the volunteer information packet. If you have questions, please email:
- Covina: ssayer@mhccov.org
- Union City: volunteerservices@mhcuc.org

Contact Us
For more information about volunteering at the Masonic Homes, please contact us:
Covina campus
Susan Sayer, Life Enrichment Director
Work (626)251-2234
Cell (626)388-3004
Robin Aceves, Life Enrichment Assistant
Union City campus
Kim Hegg, Senior Director, Events, Recreation and Volunteer Services
(510) 429-6442