The information on this page applies to assistance received through Masonic Family Outreach Services (MFOS) and Masonic Senior Outreach Services (MSOS)
  • Information and referrals are free and available to everyone, including non-Masons, through both MFOS and MSOS.
  • Care management services through MFOS and MSOS are free and need-based, and are available to any California Mason and his wife, widow, and minor dependent children. In some cases, the mothers of senior Masons may also be eligible.

One-Time Financial Assistance (MFOS)

One-time financial assistance can be applied for only after all other options have been exhausted AND when an established and approved care plan is in place that will bridge the applicant to self-sufficiency. The established care plan leading to self-sufficiency must not exceed one month’s worth of support. MFOS clients receive non-financial care management before applying for one-time financial assistance.

To qualify, you must be a California Master Mason (or the spouse/widow of a qualifying California Mason) who:

  • Has been in good standing for the last five or more consecutive years
  • Demonstrates immediate financial need, has exhausted all personal resources, and is willing to apply for all eligible public benefits, such as CalFresh and General Assistance
  • Has lodge recommendation and support
  • Agree to a care management plan which may include recommendations on budgeting (increasing income and/or decreasing expenses) and applying for benefits
  • Sign an Agreement to Repay, which states intent to repay all or a portion of the amount expended when s/he has the financial means to do so. (No eligible applicant will be turned away due to an inability to repay the program.)
  • Is under 60 years old and therefore does not qualify for ongoing financial assistance due to age

Ongoing Financial Assistance (MSOS)

  • Ongoing financial assistance is available to California Masons (or the spouse/widow of a qualifying California Mason) who:

    • Are age 60 or older (age 55 or older, if permanently disabled)
    • Are Master Masons in good standing for last five consecutive years
    • Meet financial criteria and demonstrate need
    • Already receive all eligible public benefits
    • Do not require skilled nursing services or 24-hour home care (Those requiring this level of care will be assisted with a referral.)
    • Sign an Agreement to Repay, which states intent to repay all or a portion of the amount expended, should they have the financial means to do so. (No eligible applicant will be turned away due to an inability to repay the program.)

Getting Started

Questions or ready to apply? Submit a request for information or call us at (888) 466-3642.