Lodge Outreach Training Materials

Resources for Masonic Families

For Masonic Families

When your fraternal family needs support, Masonic Outreach Services is there for them. Masonic Outreach Services (MOS) has compiled a variety of resources to make members aware of their benefits.  See below for printable resources.

For Lodge Outreach Coordinators

Our Masonic Lodge Outreach program helps members help each other.  Our Training Coordinator binder includes everything you’ll need for successful Lodge Outreach programs. 

Browse stories about lodge outreach in the Lodge Outreach News area of our site. Any page or article within the masonichome.org website may be shared with your lodge via email, printed and posted in your lodge room, included in your Trestleboard or website, or in any other way to aid outreach efforts.

Lodge Outreach Training Materials

MOS has prepared a variety of resources to enable the work of brothers involved in the Lodge Outreach Program and local lodge Outreach Committees.  You can also view training videos and find out about upcoming Lodge Outreach Program events.

Lodge Outreach Coordinator Training Binder:  The latest edition of the Lodge Outreach Coordinator Training Binder is now available and includes our most recent Lodge Outreach materials. Please disregard any previous paper binders, as information may be outdated.

* Resources marked with an asterisk (*) are part of the Lodge Outreach Program Training Binder.